Creating a Custom Voice with Rapid Voice Clone

Overview: This article provides step-by-step instructions on how to create a custom voice using Rapid Voice Clone feature in the platform.


  1. Navigate to the Voices tab: Access the Voices section in the platform's interface.

  2. Select New Custom Voice: Click on the option to create a new custom voice.

  3. Choose a name for your AI Voice: Give your custom voice a name for easy identification.

  4. Select Rapid Voice Clone: Choose the Rapid Voice Clone option to proceed.

  5. Choose record on web: Opt to record your voice prompts directly on the web interface.

  6. Make sure your Microphone permissions are turned on: Ensure that your browser has permission to access your microphone for recording.

  7. Record the first consent prompt: Begin recording the first consent prompt as per the platform's instructions.

  8. Record the two remaining prompts: Continue recording the remaining prompts as guided by the platform.

  9. Once you've recorded the three prompts, go ahead and select Create Custom Voice: After completing the recordings, proceed to create your custom voice.

  10. Your voice is ready! Select the project you want to test your voice in: Your custom voice is now available for use. Choose the project where you wish to test it.

  11. Select try out my custom voice: Test your custom voice within the selected project to ensure it meets your requirements.

  12. Now you can generate content with your rapid voice clone! Start generating content using your newly created custom voice with the Rapid Voice Clone feature.

By following these steps, you can quickly and easily create a custom voice using Rapid Voice Clone and begin using it for your projects within minutes!