What is the difference between Professional vs. Rapid Voice Cloning?


When it comes to voice cloning, we offer two distinct services tailored to diverse needs and scenarios: Rapid Voice Clone and Professional Voice Clone. Understanding the differences between them empowers you to choose the optimal solution for your project. This article delineates the capabilities and best-use cases for each option.

Rapid Voice Clone at a Glance

Rapid Voice Clone is the fast track to voice cloning, enabling you to create a voice clone swiftly, with minimal audio input.

  • Speed of Creation: Delivers a voice clone in roughly one minute.
  • Audio Sample Length: Operates with less than 1 minute of audio, and can effectively clone from as brief as 10 seconds.
  • Functionality: Supports both text-to-speech and speech-to-speech conversions, suitable for dynamic voice interactions. Includes Localize features for enhanced multi-lingual content generation.
  • User-Friendly: A simplified process that accommodates users at all levels and is accessible on Trial and Basic plans.
  • Ideal Use Cases: Best suited for quick prototyping, content creation where immediate turnaround is key, and projects that do not require speech nuances.

Professional Voice Clone Explained

Professional Voice Clone is engineered for precision and depth, providing a high-fidelity voice clone with extensive customization options.

  • Creation Time: Takes around an hour to craft a detailed voice clone.
  • Audio Sample Length: Requires a richer audio sample, typically at least 10 minutes, for optimal results.
  • Advanced Capabilities: Provides high-fidelity voice cloning with options for text-to-speech, speech-to-speech, and Localize functionalities. This suite of features allows for dynamic voice interactions and multilingual support, making it ideal for high-quality, professional applications that demand nuanced expressions and emotional depth across various languages."
  • Language Support: For Enterprise plans, it offers the ability to clone voices in languages other than English, expanding its usability for global projects.
  • Use Cases: Ideal for professional-grade applications such as broadcasting, intricate voiceovers, and scenarios where the clone needs to convey nuanced expressions and emotions.

Comparing Key Features

  1. Cloning Time: Rapid Voice Clone is fast, creating clones in about a minute. Professional Voice Clone invests more time, roughly an hour, to capture the full range of vocal expressions.
  2. Audio Input: Rapid Voice Clone requires minimal audio, whereas Professional Voice Clone needs more extensive samples to harness the speaker's nuances.
  3. Speech Capabilities: Both Professional Voice Clone and Rapid Voice Clone include speech-to-speech and Localize functionalities. 
  4. Multilingual Support: Only Professional Voice Clone provides multilingual cloning, available with Enterprise plans.

Making Your Choice

  • For Efficiency and Simplicity: Choose Rapid Voice Clone when you need a voice clone quickly and your project primarily involves converting text to speech.
  • For Depth and Versatility: Opt for Professional Voice Clone when your project demands the highest quality, particularly if you need speech-to-speech cloning or support for multiple languages.

Integrations and Use Across Platforms

Both services offer seamless integration with our API and usability within our Web UI. Your choice should align with the specific demands of your project's timeline, quality expectations, and functional requirements.


Rapid Voice Clone and Professional Voice Clone each serve unique project needs. Assess your project's requirements, considering time, functionality, and language needs to determine which cloning service will elevate your voice-enabled applications to their full potential.